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Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: East and West Berlin reunited to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, people from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: East and West Berlin reunited to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, people from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Fall of the Berlin Wall: Military on the Berlin Separation Wall. November 1989.
The Berlin Wall in the Neukoeln area, 1988 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Die Berliner Mauer im Bezirk Neukoelln an der Lohmuehlenbruecke; in line with an agreement with the foreign sectors the wall was moved;); .
Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: East and West Berlin reunited to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, people from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: East and West Berlin reunited to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, people from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
East German border guards watch protestors in the Lenne-Dreiecks area, 1988 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: DDR-Grenzer beobachten die Besetzer des Lenne-Dreiecks an der Berliner Mauer am Potsdamer Platz;); .
Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: East and West Berlin climbed on the wall at the Brandenburg Gate on the night of 9-10 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, people from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: East and West Berlin reunited to celebrate the fall of the wall at the Brandenburg Gate, a journalist sent special commentary on events in front of the camera on 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, people from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
East germans strengthening Berlin wall under look of communist police near Brandeburg gate, 1961; (add.info.: East germans strengthening Berlin wall under look of communist police near Brandeburg gate, 1961); Tallandier; it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.
Berlin Wall fall in November 1989: Berlin forced the Invalidenstrasse border post on the night of 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, on the night of the 9th November, 1989, crowds of people force their way across the border crossing at Invalidenstrasse, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Two Berliners embrace with joy following the opening of the Berlin Wall, 12th November 1989 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Zwei Berlinerinnen fallen sich vor Freude ueber die Grenzoeffnung in die Arme;); .
Fall of the Berlin Wall: pawns crossing the control point of Bernauer Strasse shortly after the fall of the Wall, Berlin, Germany. 1990 Fall of the Berlin Wall, GDR Volkspolizei, German for People's Police, at the reopened border crossing at Bernauer Strasse, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Reunification of Germany, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 1989: destruction of the wall in West Berlin. Photography
Mural of the Statue Of Liberty on a wall, Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Germany - 20th century, Eighties - Federal Republic of Germany - West Berlin. Murals of the Statue of Liberty on a wall, Berlin Wall); De Agostini Picture Library / F. Carassale; out of copyright.
German Reunification, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 1989: police van parking along the wall. Photography
Berlin Wall; (add.info.: The body of the 18 year old East Berlin mason Peter Fechter is carried away by GDR border soldiers. Fechter was shot by East Berlin border soldiers at Berlin Wall during his escape attempt to West Berlin on 17th August 1962. The injured young man was lying almost one hour next to the wall before he died and was evacuated. From 13th August 1961, the day of the building of Berlin Wall, to the fall of Berlin Wall on 9th November 1989 Germany and the GDR were splitted by an Iron Curtain between west and east.); Picture Alliance; it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall, 9th November 1989 (photo); (add.info.: The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer) was a barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989, constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) starting on 13 August 1961, that completely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until it was opened in November 1989. Its demolition officially began on 13 June 1990 and was completed in 1992. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the 'death strip') that contained anti-vehicle trenches, 'fakir beds' and other defenses.
La Chute du Mur de Berlin le 9 novembre 1989 symbolisant la reunification entre l'Allemagne de l'Est et l'Allemagne de l'Ouest ); it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.
Berliners from East and West celebrating the opening of the border at the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 9th November 1989 (photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: the freedom of passage between West Berlin and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) was announced on the 9th November 1989 and was followed by German reunification, which was formally concluded on 3rd October 1990; Brandenburger Tor; Deutsche Demokratische Republik;); .
Berlin Wall fall in November 1989: Berlin forced the Invalidenstrasse border post on the night of 9 November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, on the night of the 9th November, 1989, crowds of people force their way across the border crossing at Invalidenstrasse, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
Construction of the Berlin Wall at the corner of Lindenstrasse and Zimmerstrasse, 18 August 1961 (b/w photo) by German School, (20th century); 18x23.9 cm; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Mauerbau an der Sektorengrenze Linden- Ecke Zimmerstrasse;); В© DHM; German, it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.
Closure of the border at Kleinmachnow near West Berlin, just prior to the completion of the Berlin Wall, 13 August 1961 (b/w photo) by German Photographer (20th Century); Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Grenzsperren in Kleinmachnow/Dueppel;); В© DHM; German, out of copyright.
German reunification, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 1989: man breaking the wall Photography
Opening in the wall near the Brandeburg Gate, 22nd December 1989 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Maueroeffnung am Brandenburger Tor;); .
West Berlin, November 1989. The Berlin Wall fall; (add.info.: Berlin (1989)
Berlino Ovest, novembre 1989. Caduta del muro di Berlino); .
'Thank you Gorby', graffiti on the Berlin Wall, 1990 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Thank You Gorby aufgesprueht an einem Rest der Berliner Mauer an der Zimmerstrasse im Bezirk Kreuzberg; refers to Mikhail Gorbachev (b.1931), his attempts at reform contributed to the end of the Cold War;); .
US Army checkpoint manned by US military police, October 1961 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; В© Mirrorpix; .
Memorial to victims of the Berlin Wall, Bernauer Strasse, 1981 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Gedenkkreuz in der Bernauer Strasse fuer die Opfer der Berliner Mauer;); .
German reunification, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 1989: free movement of inhabitants
Opening in the wall near the Brandeburg Gate, 22nd December 1989 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Maueroeffnung am Brandenburger Tor;); .
Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989: view of the wall in the district of Kreuzberg, November 1989. Berlin, Germany. Fall of the Berlin Wall, wall in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
An American Officer of the Berlin Brigade uses a hammer and chisel to take a piece of the Berlin Wall near Checkpoint Charlie, 23rd November 1989 (b/w photo); Berlin, Germany; (add.info.: Ein amerikanischer Offizier der Berlin Brigade schlaegt mit Hammer und Meisel Stuecke aus der Berliner Mauer nahe dem Grenzuebergang Checkpoint Charlie;); .
Fall of the Berlin Wall: residents of Berlin is crossing the control point of the Bornholmer Bruecke bridge shortly after the fall of the Wall, Berlin, Germany. 1990 Fall of the Berlin wall, people from East Berlin crossing the inspection point at Bornholmer Bruecke bridge, Berlin, Germany, Europe Photo Norbert Michalke
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