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With a Smile and a Shine
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, Aug/Sept 1957
From a series: 'Horse Guards in Whitehall'
Ken Russell photographed the Horse Guards in detail - uniforms being polished; getting dressed; mounting up. And this shot of them laughing. A close look reveals a glimpse of the photographer reflected in the gleaming breast-plate.
Pigeon Square - June/July 1955
Everyday life amongst the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, London.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Bronte Story:
At the foot of the rising Yorkshire moors lies the village of Haworth. At the parsonage in Haworth lived the brilliant Bronte family; Emily, Charlotte and Ann Bronte who gave so much to the world of literature, their father and their tragic brother, Branwell.
'Emily' stands on her beloved Yorkshire moors. 1957
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Between the boards: The sandwich board men of London, 1955.
A sandwich board man takes on a bit of religious competition on his London patch.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Dumb Friends' Friend : The Dumb Friends League animal refuge in Ferdinand Street, Camden Town, London, is a busy place. Cats are their particular care but dogs share the evening clinic with the cats. 1955
What with strays and boarders, there may be up to 150 cats to be looked after at a time. After a week unclaimed cats, who have not been found a new home, are destroyed.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Fashion Statement
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
From a series taken at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London's East End
After the Party
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, June/July 1955
From a series of photographs of the daily life of Ken Russell's landlady in Linden Gardens, Notting Hill Gate.
From the original caption: 'Mrs Elizabeth Collins, 59 year old widow, lives in a Linden Gardens, Notting Hill Gate basement with three canaries. Each day at 6.30am she climbs seven flights of stairs to 16 tenants, cleans the stairs, keeps the boiler going, sorts the mail, takes up the milk, mends fuses, chops wood, repairs torn curtains, chats to her tenants and gives motherly advice. She is a housekeeper / concierge and is very happy in her work.
Photo by Ken Russell - February/March 1956
Umbrella girl
Shirley Kingdom in her nightdress dancing on the sands ballerina-like with an umbrella
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Hip bath - July/August 1955
Children playing in a hip bath on the river near Hammersmith.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
The soldiers of the Grenadiers, the Coldstream, the Scots, Welsh and Irish Guards are instantly recognised in their tall, bearskin hats. Many of these are made by the firm of L. Silberston and Sons Ltd., of London.
This is the inside of a bearskin. The cane frames are made by G.W. Scott and Sons Ltd., of London, one of the oldest commercial firms in London. 1957
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Hyde Park criminals - July/August 1957
Laws pertaining to behaviour in Hyde Park, London
By-Law 28 - No person shall wilfully break glass, china or other like thing in any open space.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
Pat Wiles and Iris Thornton wearing coolie hats.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Mummy's New Baby
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1957
From a series taken in Holland Park - 1957
Children playing on the sculpture in Holland Park, during an open air sculpture exhibition.
Emperor Alexander Burton:
Richard Burton in full filmstar mode as he stars as 'Alexander the Great' in the movie of the same name. Claire Bloom is his co-star and the film is written and directed by Robert Rossen. 1955
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
The last of the Teddy Girls
Iris Thornton, aged 17, posing in the backyard of the block of flats near her home in Plaistow
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
Mattli spring collection :
Furs, suits, coats and dresses - Mrs Mattli
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - October/November 1957
This is a prison :
Scenes inside Hill Hall, a women's open prison. Girls are given work to do in the gardens and the chicken runs and left to do it unsupervised, providing a moral challenge. Women with babies feed, bathe and settle them down whilst one acts as babysitter for the day. Some work in the shop or the laundry. Lunch is at twelve and at one prisoners, staff and babies in prams walk in a crocodile through the surrounding lanes. There are periods of relaxation in the Great Hall or Library
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - June/July 1955
Teresa del Rio - 18 year old Spanish ballerina on the set where she is playing the part of Roxane, beautiful daughter of the mighty Persian King Darius in the film Alexander the Great. Her partners are Gustavo Rojo who plays the part of Cleitus and his brother Ruben is Philotas.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Death of an Emperor:
The dying Alexander (Richard Burton) with Barsine (Claire Bloom) and his wife Roxane, daughter of the defeated Persian King Darius (Teresa del Rio).
The filming of 'Alexander the Great'. Director Robert Rossen.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Hyde Park criminals - July/August 1957
Laws pertaining to behaviour in Hyde Park, London
Cleanliness is next to Godliness
By-Law 30 - No person shall in any open space shake or beat any carpet ...
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Difficulties of being Asiatic: The show, 'The Tea House of the August Moon', is playing successfully in London but audiences have little idea how much trouble the cast have to look convincingly Asiatic on stage. American actor, Guy Kingsley Poynter and Anglo-Chinese actress, Chin Yu show just how much effort this involves. 1955
After their 2 hour make-up ordeal, Guy Kingsley Poynter and Chin Yu are transformed into their Asiatic stage characters.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - June/July 1955
Teresa del Rio - 18 year old Spanish ballerina on the set where she is playing the part of Roxane, beautiful daughter of the mighty Persian King Darius in the film Alexander the Great. Her partners are Gustavo Rojo who plays the part of Cleitus and his brother Ruben is Philotas.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
The Brompton Cemetery, which lies between London's Fulham and Old Brompton roads, means a variety of things to a variety of people. For some it holds dear memories and graves to be tended. For others it is an island of peace in the noise of London. For the curious it offers a fantastic range of monuments to mortality. 1955
This infant wanders boldly between the graves with his umbrella shielding him from the sun.
@2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - February/March 1956
Umbrella girl
Shirley Kingdom in her nightdress dancing on the sands ballerina-like with an umbrella
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Sacrement, is the big religious festival of the year in Toledo, Spain. All the young girls and boys, dressed in white, go to their first communion; processing through the spectator lined streets to the cathedral. They also walk through rows of white gloved soldiers with their bayonets drawn - symbolising the close links between the church and the military state. 1955
Nuns, having a little trouble controlling their headresses, are amongst the spectators.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
I Look Up to You
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
From an experimental series: friends of Ken Russell from The Troubadour coffee bar came to his studio.
From the original caption: 'The difficulties of wooing', or 'pick on somebody your own size!'
The Brompton Cemetery, which lies between London's Fulham and Old Brompton roads, means a variety of things to a variety of people. For some it holds dear memories and graves to be tended. For others it is an island of peace in the noise of London. For the curious it offers a fantastic range of monuments to mortality. 1955
Oblivious of the setting, an elderly lady puts her feet up on a bench and chats quietly with a friend.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
The Brompton Cemetery, which lies between London's Fulham and Old Brompton roads, means a variety of things to a variety of people. For some it holds dear memories and graves to be tended. For others it is an island of peace in the noise of London. For the curious it offers a fantastic range of monuments to mortality. 1955
This man takes a quiet, short-cut down the avenues of mortality between the Old Brompton and Fulham Roads.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
The Shower
From a series in Spain: Emperor Alexander Burton.
Ken Russell photographed the filming of Alexander the Great, starring Richard Burton and Claire Bloom, and directed by Robert Rossen. Photo shows some of Alexander's 'generals' relaxing during a break in filming due to a rainstorm.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Vanji - Fashion Student
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
'Coffee bar girls' - these were friends of Ken Russell and his wife, from the Troubadour coffee bar in London where they worked. They came to his studio for a set of experimental photographs. Photo shows a study of a girl out of the frame with melon.
Mother - April 1955
Scenes from the smash hit play Sailor Beware - Peggy Mount is a domineering mother who becomes a domineering mother-in-law. The extension of her tyranny outside the family circle is devastatingly tragic and very funny
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Hyde Park criminals - July/August 1957
Laws pertaining to behaviour in Hyde Park, London
By-Law 41 expressly forbids any person to take part in any sport, entertainment or dance in Hyde Park.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Pigeon Square - June/July 1955
Everyday life amongst the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, London - pigeon perched on little boy's head.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Pistols at Dawn
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, Feb/March 1956
From a series about penny farthings (borrowed from the Troubadour).
In Your Dreams
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, January 1955
From a series: 'The Last of the Teddy Girls'
14 year old Jean Rayner in the exploratory stage of Teddyism.
Mind Games
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
From a series taken at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London's East End
A Question of Taste
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
From a series taken at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London's East End.
Chauffeur and Master
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, Feb/March 1956
From a series using a penny farthing borrowed from The Troubadour. Photo shows cycling in Hyde Park, London.
Photo by Ken Russell - June/July 1955
Widow Collins
Mrs Elizabeth Collins, 59 year old widow, lives in a Linden Gardens, Notting Hill Gate basement with three canaries. Each day at 6.30am she climbs seven flights of stairs to 16 tenants, cleans the stairs, keeps the boiler going, sorts the mail, takes up the milk, mends fuses, chops wood, repairs torn curtains, chats to her tenants and gives motherly advice. She is a housekeeper / concierge and is very happy in her work.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Health Resort - July 1957
A day in the life of the health resort at Enton Hall, Surrey
Client having blood pressure taken
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Richard Burton and Bucephalus
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
From a series in Spain: Emperor Alexander Burton.
Ken Russell photographed the filming of Alexander the Great, starring Richard Burton and Claire Bloom, and directed by Robert Rossen. Photo shows Richard Burton as Alexander the Great exchanging a few soothing words with his horse.
Prosperity comes to El Molar: The production of Robert Rossen's film, 'Alexander the Great' has brought new prosperity to the small, impoverished, Spanish town of El Molar, 30 miles north of Madrid. Most of the local workmen helped in the construction of the sets and local people were employed as extras in the film. 1955
Having walked up to the set to pick up food scraps, this little girl, her sack full, is going back to the village to sell the food
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
The Brompton Cemetery, which lies between London's Fulham and Old Brompton roads, means a variety of things to a variety of people. For some it holds dear memories and graves to be tended. For others it is an island of peace in the noise of London. For the curious it offers a fantastic range of monuments to mortality. 1955
This infant wanders boldly and enjoyably in the long grass.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
The last of the Teddy Girls
17 year old Josie Buchan, a fashion student with Russell's future wife, Shirley, at the college Russell also attended. Josie introduced Ken to her Teddy Girl friends. Here she shows off her DA (Duck's arse) haircut (a men's hairstyle that would have been rare to find a woman sporting at that time).
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
Mattli spring collection :
Furs, suits, coats and dresses - Mrs Creed wearing black dress of material of mixed cellophane and wool. Accentuated waistline and dead straight skirt.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Emperor Alexander Burton:
Extras relax during a break in filming 'Alexander the Great' on location in Spain. The film starring Richard Burton and Claire Bloom is being shot in Cinemascope and Technicolour and is being directed by Robert Rossen. 1955
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Death of an Emperor:
The filming of the death of Alexander the Great, played by Richard Burton, surrounded by his generals and the two women in his life, Barsine, (Claire Bloom) and Roxane his wife, (Teresa del Rio).
Filming of 'Alexander the Great' on location near Madrid. Director, Robert Rossen - 1955
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
The soldiers of the Grenadiers, the Coldstream, the Scots, Welsh and Irish Guards are instantly recognised in their tall, bearskin hats. Many of these are made by the firm of L. Silberston and Sons Ltd., of London.
The final sewing up is completed. The fur will be combed and clipped to a uniform thickness of four inches before the hat is finished. 1957
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
The last of the Teddy Girls
18 year old Rosa Price, shop assistant from Tottenham, sporting a manly hairstyle.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Coffee bar girls : Friend of Ken Russell who he met at the local coffee bar in London and came to his studio for a set of experimental photographs. 1955
Girl emerging from a white background.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
The last of the Teddy Girls
Pat Wiles (worker on the assembly line of a toy factory)
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell - January 1955
The last of the Teddy Girls
Josie Buchan at the stage door of the Walthamstow Palace Theatre which was pulled down in 1960.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Pajama Game - January 1959
Auditions for the stage play Pajama Game -
The Pajama Game is a Broadway musical based on the novel 7-1/2 Cents by Richard Bissell. It features a score by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. The original Broadway production ran from May 13, 1954 to November 24, 1956. It was revived between December 9, 1973 to February 3, 1974. A current production by The Roundabout Theatre Company has been running since February 23, 2006, starring Harry Connick, Jr. (Sid), with Kelli O'Hara (Babe) and Michael McKean (Hines). The original production won a Tony for best musical, and the most recent revival won a Tony Award for best revival.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
We Regret to Inform You...
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, March/April 1955
From a series: 'Zora the unvanquished'
From the original caption: 'For 30 years, 72 year old Zora Raeburn wrote novels and sent them to publishers. With not one acceptance, she never despaired. In her flat near the British Museum in London, where she let two rooms to pay the rent, she typed innumerable letters to publishers, libraries, film studios and radio producers. She begged on her cello in London streets then took a job as a shorthand typist to supplement her old age pension and published one of her books herself.' Photo shows Zora with a montage of the rejection letters she received from publishers.
Pigeon Square - June/July 1955
Everyday life amongst the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, London - Small child feeding the pigeons.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Reclining Nude and Toddlers
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1957
Holland Park, toddlers at an open air sculpture exhibition.
Difficulties of being Asiatic: The show, 'The Tea House of the August Moon', is playing successfully in London but audiences have little idea how much trouble the cast have to look convincingly Asiatic on stage. American actor, Guy Kingsley Poynter and Anglo-Chinese actress, Chin Yu show just how much effort this involves. 1955
After their 2 hour make-up ordeal, Guy Kingsley Poynter and Chin Yu are transformed into their Asiatic stage characters.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Sacrement, is the big religious festival of the year in Toledo, Spain. All the young girls and boys, dressed in white, go to their first communion; processing through the spectator lined streets to the cathedral. They also walk through rows of white gloved soldiers with their bayonets drawn - symbolising the close links between the church and the military state. 1955
The white splendour of the little girl communicants as they process through the streets to the cathedral.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Wardrobe Department
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell, 1955
From a series shot in Spain 'Prosperity comes to El Molar'.
From the original caption: 'The production of Robert Rossen's film, 'Alexander the Great' has brought new prosperity to the small, impoverished, Spanish town of El Molar, 30 miles north of Madrid. Most of the local workmen helped in the construction of the sets and local people were employed as extras in the film.'
Ken Russell - as photographer - visible in the mirror (self portrait)
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Photo by Ken Russell
From a series: Antique musical instruments
Ken Russell photographed an auction of antique musical instruments at Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, New Bond Street, London in February, 1957.
Photo shows: inside the auction room., a prospective buyer in the sale room examines a lute. The young Ken Russell, taking the shot with his Leica, is reflected in the mirror.
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