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StockFood RF
Autumn seasonal pickled vegetables and fruit in glass jars, rustic wooden barn background
StockFood RF
Rice coconut porridge with figs, berries and hazelnuts and cup of espresso over rustic wooden board background
StockFood RF
Reuben sandwiches with pastrami, sauerkraut and Thousand Island dressing (New York)
StockFood RF
Classical banh-mi sandwich with grilled pork tenderloin, carrots and cucumbers, jalapeno peppers and cilantro
StockFood RF
Burger with avocado slices, cheese, bacon, onions, lettuce, tomatoes on a wooden board with cutlery
StockFood RF
Oat granola with nuts, yogurt, honey, fresh figs and blueberries in bowl on white wooden background
StockFood RF
Man eating roasted pork ribs with garlic, rosemary, fried potato and green herb sauce
StockFood RF
Corn creamy soup with shrimps served in individual pots with bread over rustic dinner table
StockFood RF
Hot chocolate in blue mugs with whipped cream and cinnamon sticks, spices, nuts and cocoa powder
StockFood RF
Raw vegetable pan ready for the oven tomatoes peppers aubergines feta cheese and aromatic herbs
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