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GERMANY / Lower Saxony / Farge / 2015 / The Farge hard coal-fired power station in the evening. Generating plant on the bank of the Weser River was connected to the grid in 1924.
The Weser forms through the confluence of the rivers Fulda and Werra in Hannoversch Muenden. With a length of 452 kilometres, it is the fifth longest river in Germany. Stream flows through the federal states Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony as well as Bremen and ends into the North Sea.
В© Mario Weigt / Anzenberger
GERMANY / Lower Saxony / Estorf / The Broesking and Siemering barn in the historical barn quarter of Estorf.
Between 1650 and 1750, 35 barns and sheepfolds were built away from the village for fear of destroying fire. Seven barns remaining, were restored and among others, a local museum, lodging and event location are housed.
Located on the Weser Cycle Route, the tired bikers can stay overnight in the 'Radler-Scheune', an accommodation with rustic ambience.
В© Mario Weigt / Anzenberger
GERMANY / Lower Saxony / Nienburg / The bronze sculpture 'Kleine Nienburgerin' was created by Marianne Bleeke-Ehret in 1979.
В© Mario Weigt / Anzenberger
GERMANY / Lower Saxony / Dorum-Neufeld / Shrimp fishing vessels in the Dorum harbour
В© Mario Weigt / Anzenberger
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