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BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / Sadarghat port. The Buriganga River flows past the southwest outskirts of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. The Buriganga is economically very important to Dhaka. Launches and country boats provide connection to other parts of Bangladesh, a largely riverine country. The lauches to different places of the Country leave usually the evening travelling during the night.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 26.10.2009 / Hindu Street/Shankaria is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka (Puran Dhaka). Shakhari Bazaar stretches along a narrow lane, lined with thin slices of richly decorated brick buildings, built during the late Mughal or Colonial period.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 25.10.2009 / Sonargaon (meaning City of Gold) was a historic administrative, commercial and maritime center in Bengal. Situated in the center of the Ganges delta, it was the seat of the medieval Muslim rulers and governors of eastern Bengal. Sonargaon was described by numerous historic travelers, including Ibn Battuta, Ma Huan, Niccol� de' Conti and Ralph Fitch as a thriving center of trade and commerce. It served as the capital of Sultan Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah, Isa Khan and the Baro-Bhuyan Confederacy.
The area is located near the modern industrial river port of Narayanganj in Bangladesh.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 / Star Mosque, also known as Tara Masjid, is a mosque located in Armanitola area, Dhaka. The mosque has ornate designs and is decorated with motifs of blue stars. It was built in the first half of the 19th century by Mirza Golam Pir.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 / The city has the largest number of cycle rickshaws and is known as the Rickshaw Capital of the World. There are an estimated 1/2 million rickshaws in Dhaka today.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 26.10.2009 / Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban (National Assembly Building). Designed by architect Louis Kahn, the complex, is one of the largest legislative complexes in the world, comprising 200 acres (800,000 m ).
The building was featured prominently in the 2003 film My Architect, detailing the career and familial legacy of its architect, Louis Kahn. Robert McCarter, author of Louis I. Kahn, described the National Parliament of Bangladesh as one of the twentieth century's most significant buildings.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / Bangladesh, Dhaka. A movie theater near Hindu Street.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 26.10.2009 /A 'madrasa', islamic school, in Old Dhaka. Islam is the largest religion of Bangladesh, the Muslim population is approximately 148.6 million, which is the fourth largest Muslim population in the world (after Indonesia, Pakistan and India), constituting 90.4% of the total population as of 2011. Religion has always been a strong part of identity, but this has varied at different times.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 25.10.2009 / Life along the river in a village near Dhaka.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 /The city has the largest number of cycle rickshaws and is known as the Rickshaw Capital of the World. There are an estimated 1/2 million rickshaws in Dhaka today.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 25.10.2009 / Sonargaon (meaning City of Gold) was a historic administrative, commercial and maritime center in Bengal. Situated in the center of the Ganges delta, it was the seat of the medieval Muslim rulers and governors of eastern Bengal. Sonargaon was described by numerous historic travelers, including Ibn Battuta, Ma Huan, Niccol� de' Conti and Ralph Fitch as a thriving center of trade and commerce. It served as the capital of Sultan Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah, Isa Khan and the Baro-Bhuyan Confederacy.
The area is located near the modern industrial river port of Narayanganj in Bangladesh.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 / Islam is the largest religion of Bangladesh, the Muslim population is approximately 148.6 million, which is the fourth largest Muslim population in the world (after Indonesia, Pakistan and India), constituting 90.4% of the total population as of 2011. Religion has always been a strong part of identity, but this has varied at different times.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / A Hindu religious festival along the Buriganga River.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / A Hindu religious festival along the Buriganga River.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / Young people in Chandrima Udyan ( Moon Park), close to the Crescent lake.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 / scenes of life on the streets of Dhaka.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 25.10.2009 / Hindu Street/Shankaria is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka (Puran Dhaka). Shakhari Bazaar stretches along a narrow lane, lined with thin slices of richly decorated brick buildings, built during the late Mughal or Colonial period.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / Sadarghat port. The Buriganga River flows past the southwest outskirts of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. The Buriganga is economically very important to Dhaka. Launches and country boats provide connection to other parts of Bangladesh, a largely riverine country. The lauches to different places of the Country leave usually the evening travelling during the night.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 26.10.2009 / Hindu Street/Shankaria is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka (Puran Dhaka). Shakhari Bazaar stretches along a narrow lane, lined with thin slices of richly decorated brick buildings, built during the late Mughal or Colonial period.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 25.10.2009 / Sonargaon (meaning City of Gold) was a historic administrative, commercial and maritime center in Bengal. Situated in the center of the Ganges delta, it was the seat of the medieval Muslim rulers and governors of eastern Bengal. Sonargaon was described by numerous historic travelers, including Ibn Battuta, Ma Huan, Niccol� de' Conti and Ralph Fitch as a thriving center of trade and commerce. It served as the capital of Sultan Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah, Isa Khan and the Baro-Bhuyan Confederacy.
The area is located near the modern industrial river port of Narayanganj in Bangladesh.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 26.10.2009 / Hindu Street/Shankaria is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka (Puran Dhaka). Shakhari Bazaar stretches along a narrow lane, lined with thin slices of richly decorated brick buildings, built during the late Mughal or Colonial period.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / Sadarghat port. The Buriganga River flows past the southwest outskirts of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. The Buriganga is economically very important to Dhaka. Launches and country boats provide connection to other parts of Bangladesh, a largely riverine country. The lauches to different places of the Country leave usually the evening travelling during the night.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 23.10.2009 / A Hindu religious festival along the Buriganga River.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 26.10.2009 / Hindu Street/Shankaria is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka (Puran Dhaka). Shakhari Bazaar stretches along a narrow lane, lined with thin slices of richly decorated brick buildings, built during the late Mughal or Colonial period.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 / The city has the largest number of cycle rickshaws and is known as the Rickshaw Capital of the World. There are an estimated 1/2 million rickshaws in Dhaka today.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 27.10.2009 / Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban (National Assembly Building). Designed by architect Louis Kahn, the complex, is one of the largest legislative complexes in the world, comprising 200 acres (800,000 m ).
The building was featured prominently in the 2003 film My Architect, detailing the career and familial legacy of its architect, Louis Kahn. Robert McCarter, author of Louis I. Kahn, described the National Parliament of Bangladesh as one of the twentieth century's most significant buildings.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 24.10.2009 / scenes of life on the streets of Dhaka.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 27.10.2009 / Sadarghat port. The Buriganga River flows past the southwest outskirts of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. The Buriganga is economically very important to Dhaka. Launches and country boats provide connection to other parts of Bangladesh, a largely riverine country. The lauches to different places of the Country leave usually the evening travelling during the night.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 25.10.2009 / Hindu Street/Shankaria is one of the oldest areas in Old Dhaka (Puran Dhaka). Shakhari Bazaar stretches along a narrow lane, lined with thin slices of richly decorated brick buildings, built during the late Mughal or Colonial period.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
BANGLADESH / Dhaka / 27.10.2009 / Sadarghat port. The Buriganga River flows past the southwest outskirts of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. The Buriganga is economically very important to Dhaka. Launches and country boats provide connection to other parts of Bangladesh, a largely riverine country. The lauches to different places of the Country leave usually the evening travelling during the night.
© Fausto Giaccone / Anzenberger
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