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Horse chestnuts in green prickly shells and wooden fish in handcrafted wooden bowl

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chestnut chestnuts circular
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indoors inside interior
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making nature near
ornamental out out of doors
out of focus out-of-doors outdoor
outdoor photo outdoor photos outdoor shot
outdoor shots outdoors outside
prickly bur prickly burr prickly shell
round season seasons
series soft focus sweet chestnut
sweet chestnuts table centre table centres
table decoration table decorations table setting
table styling table-centre table-centres
tablecentre tablecentres unfocused
wood wooden wooden bowl
wooden bowls
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Horse chestnuts in green prickly shells and wooden fish in handcrafted wooden bowl
Дата создания: 09.02.2012
Тип лицензирования: Rights-managed
Фотограф: Heinze, Winfried
Коллекция: Living4media
Оригинальный номер: 11040546
Model Release: нет
Property Release: нет
Россия: +7 499 918-3007