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Difficulties of being Asiatic:  The show, 'The Tea House of the August Moon', is playing successfully in London but audiences have little idea how much trouble the cast have to look convincingly Asiatic on stage.  American actor, Guy Kingsley Poynter and Anglo-Chinese actress, Chin Yu show just how much effort this involves.  1955

In her dressing room, actress, Chin Yu has spent over an hour pencilling in hair on her forehead and achieving the dead-white Geisha Girl make-up.
©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Difficulties of being Asiatic: The show, 'The Tea House of the August Moon', is playing successfully in London but audiences have little idea how much trouble the cast have to look convincingly Asiatic on stage. American actor, Guy Kingsley Poynter and Anglo-Chinese actress, Chin Yu show just how much effort this involves. 1955 In her dressing room, actress, Chin Yu has spent over an hour pencilling in hair on her forehead and achieving the dead-white Geisha Girl make-up. ©2006 TopFoto/Ken Russell
Дата создания: 29.01.2016
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Коллекция: TopFoto
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Россия: +7 499 918-3007